It wasn't my fault! Okay maybe it was partially, just a liiiiiiiiiiiittle tiny bit my faut...
I like to stay up and read a little while after I go to bed...(okay a lot after) anyway...I tend to leave the lights on...well, about all night and I must've left my desk light on...I didn't see it happen but here's my theory, I left my desk light on and I had a magnifying glass with a stand close by it and it reflected off of the magnifying glass and onto the two dollar bill. But it could've also been the sunlight that came through the window and reflected off the magnifying glass...I'm sorry to say, either way, most blame goes to the magnifying glass, so readers, be careful where you place your magnifying glasses...

The funny part is that when the two dollar bill was folded, the magnifying glass magnifying glass managed to burn the shape of a in this case, most of the credit goes to the magnifying glass...either way it gave me something to post so have fun, keep an eye on your magnifying glasses, and be safe, till next week... (;
Looks like Jefferson is in love:-)